Coding for Authenticated Secure Connectivity (CASeC)

Task Leader

Hessam Mahdavifar
Hessam Mahdavifar


Collaborative Faculty

Yasaman Ghasempour
Yasaman Ghasempour

Princeton University

Current Students/Postdocs

Hsuan-Po Liu
Hsuan-Po Liu
Hsuan-Po Liu

University of Michigan

Utkarsh Gupta
Utkarsh Gupta
Utkarsh Gupta

University of Michigan

Fariba Abbasi Aghdam Meinagh
Fariba Abbasi Aghdam Meinagh

University of Michigan

Task Objective

The objective of this task is to develop a pre-processing and post-processing algorithm jointly designed with the physical layer data transmission to integrate a low-cost secrecy module into the envisioned FECs.