High-dynamic-range Interference-tolerant Wideband Signal Processing at Analog/RF (HI-SPAR)
Task Leader

Alyosha Molnar
Cornell University

Harish Krishnaswamy
Columbia University
Current Students/Postdocs

Sasank Garikapati
Sasank Garikapati
Columbia University

Jamie Ye
Jamie Ye
Cornell University

Sanaz Sadeghi
Sanaz Sadeghi
Cornell University

Shimin Huang
Shimin Huang
Cornell University

Shiyu Su
Shiyu Su

Nishant Sanjay Patil
Nishant Sanjay Patil
Columbia University

Md Abu Saleh Tajin
Md Abu Saleh Tajin
Cornell University
Damla Dimlioglu
Damla Dimlioglu
Cornell University
Task Objective
The objective of this task is to push the boundaries of linear periodically time-varying (LPTV) circuits for spatio-spectral unknown interference mitigation and full-duplex self-interference suppression, enabling their use in the 30-300GHz massive MIMO systems (LAIR, BIRDA and 2D-MaSMA) being developed within CUbiC and enabling the development of full-duplex repeaters that can be used for range enhancement and relay-aided 100-300GHz MIMO links (RE-AIM).