Reconfigurable Energy-Efficient Active Intelligent Metasurfaces (RE-AIM)

Task Leader

Harish Krishnaswamy
Harish Krishnaswamy

Columbia University


Current Students/Postdocs

Phong Nguyen
Phong Nguyen
Phong Nguyen

Columbia University

Shiyu Su
Shiyu Su
Shiyu Su


Task Objective

The objective of this task is to enable a paradigm shift in millimeter-wave large arrays, utilizing few high-performance GaN/InP transmit and receive antennas coupled to extremely-large, low-power, low-cost CMOS active reflective arrays, either implemented as discrete antenna arrays or continuous metasurfaces, that can reflect the illuminating signal to form multiple beams and enable 100-300GHz millimeter-wave MIMO links. Utilization of active full-duplex repeaters/repeating metasurfaces for range extension, blockage mitigation, and relay-aided MIMO links at 100-300GHz.