SuperSwitch: A high-radix silicon photonic switch

Task Leader

Ming C. Wu
Ming C. Wu

UC Berkeley

Collaborative Faculty

Current Students/Postdocs

Arkadev Roy
Arkadev Roy
Arkadev Roy

UC Berkeley

Yiyang Zhi
Yiyang Zhi
Yiyang Zhi


Task Objective

The objective of this task is to develop scalable high-radix switch (up to 1024) silicon photonic SuperSwitch with double-SOI bus waveguides and MEMS-actuated adiabatic optical switches that will enable single-hop optical connections among hundreds of hosts for AI/ML applications and radar/RF signal processors. We also plan to demonstrate dual-waveguide switch to enable laser-forwarding coherent links that offers 6-9 dB higher link margins to mitigate switch insertion loss. mm-Wave MIMO radio units with back-end processing elements, described in related Theme 1 and 3 tasks.