Alexandra Gallyas
Alexandra completed her PhD and MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Cornell University in 2023 and 2021, respectively. Her Ph.D. thesis on “Denoising Sparse Wireless Channels in Multi-Antenna Communication Systems” focuses on improving baseband channel estimates by developing new denoising techniques that exploit sparsity of channel vectors in millimeter-wave communication systems. She received her undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering from Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile in 2015. From 2017 to 2018, she was a Visiting Scientist at the Cornell Wilson Synchrotron Laboratory. During her graduate studies she spent time at Cornell Tech (2019 to 2020), and as an academic guest at ETH Zurich, Switzerland (Spring and Fall 2023). In 2021, she was a summer intern at the Analog Garage (Analog Devices) in Boston, MA. In 2022 and 2023, she was a summer intern at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, NY. Alexandra will join IBM Research as a research scientist early 2024.