Diamond-based Thermal Management for GaN and InP (D-Therm)

Task Leader


Current Students/Postdocs

Anna Kasperovich
Anna Kasperovich

Stanford University

Mohamadali Malakoutian
Mohamadali Malakoutian

Stanford University

Oguz Odabasi
Oguz Odabasi

University of Michigan

Harsh Rana
Harsh Rana

University of Michigan

Devansh Saraswat
Devansh Saraswat

Stanford University

Thomas Rodriguez
Thomas Rodriguez

Stanford University

Kelly Woo
Kelly Woo

Stanford University

Jeongkyu Kim
Jeongkyu Kim

Stanford University

Rohith Soman
Rohith Soman

Stanford University

Past members

Irfan Khan

Task Objective

The objective of this task is to address the thermal management challenge of increasing heat flux per unit area as operational frequencies of devices, circuits, and systems increase to 300+ GHz, using diamond incorporated very close to the junction at the device/circuit level, and in packages at the system level.