High-K and Ferroelectric Dielectrics (HfZrO and in-situ ScAlN) (HiFi)

Elaheh Ahmadi
Current Students/Postdocs
Past members
Irfan Khan
Task Objective
The objective of this task is to maintain good gate control with low gate leakage in high-aspect-ratio ultra-scaled GaN devices to reach 300 GHz performance metrics; we propose to investigate atomic layer deposition (ALD) of high-k dielectrics, including HfO2, ZrO2 and their alloys on N-polar GaN HEMTs, and in-situ high-k ferroelectric ScAlN. In particular, we will examine the interplay between these dielectrics and N-polar GaN and evaluate the interface quality. These dielectrics will be leveraged in the EVO, GoG, and D-Therm tasks for improved device performance.