High-K and Ferroelectric Dielectrics (HfZrO and in-situ ScAlN) (HiFi)



Current Students/Postdocs

Oguz Odabasi
Oguz Odabasi

University of Michigan

Harsh Rana
Harsh Rana

University of Michigan

Past members

Irfan Khan

Task Objective

The objective of this task is to maintain good gate control with low gate leakage in high-aspect-ratio ultra-scaled GaN devices to reach 300 GHz performance metrics; we propose to investigate atomic layer deposition (ALD) of high-k dielectrics, including HfO2, ZrO2 and their alloys on N-polar GaN HEMTs, and in-situ high-k ferroelectric ScAlN. In particular, we will examine the interplay between these dielectrics and N-polar GaN and evaluate the interface quality. These dielectrics will be leveraged in the EVO, GoG, and D-Therm tasks for improved device performance.