MobiCom 2024: Showcasing CUbiC Research

Read about CUbiC's achievements at MobiCom 2024.

November 22, 2024

The 30th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom 2024) took place in Washington, D.C. from November 18th-22nd. CUbiC PIs and scholars showcased their research at this important conference. Here are the highlights:

  • Two CUbiC PIs participated as Session Chairs:
    • PI Yasaman Ghasempour (Princeton University) oversaw the Millimeter- Wave Application session.
    • PI Tingjun Chen (Duke University) oversaw the Smart Cities session.
  • Three papers authored by CUbiC scholars and their advisors (names in bold) were accepted to this prestigious conference:
    • Savannah: Efficient mmWave Baseband Processing with Minimal and Heterogeneous Resources
      Zhenzhou Qi, Chung-Hsuan Tung (Duke University), Anuj Kalia (Microsoft), Tingjun Chen (Duke University)
    • Mambas: Maneuvering Analog Multi-User Beamforming using an Array of Subarrays in mmWave Networks
      Zhihui Gao (Duke University), Zhenzhou Qi, Tingjun Chen (Duke University)
    • SURF: Eavesdropping on Underwater Communications from the Air*
      Poorya Mollahosseini (Princeton University), Sayed Saad Afzal, Fadel Adib (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Yasaman Ghasempour (Princeton University)

Note: (*) Not SRC/DARPA funded.

Congratulations to all the excellent work coming from our CUbiC PIs and scholars!